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Towa no Quon
In a futuristic Tokyo, unique human beings who have awakened distinct super powers are being hunted by a secret organisation named Custos. Known as Attractors, these exceptional humans are joining forces to defend themselves. They are led by a boy named Quon, an idealist who is determined to save all Attractors...
Nabari no Ou
Rokujou Miharu is a boy who has a hijutsu (hidden technique) living inside of him. This hijutsu is the power of creation. Many ninja clans are seeking it as the one who possesses it becomes the ruler of the ninja world. Rokujou’s classmate Kouichi started a nindou (“Way of the Ninja”) club at school with Kumohira, his English teacher. Both Kouichi and Kumohira are secretly ninjas. They tried to persuade Rokujou to join the ninjutsu club. At first, he was reluctant, but after being attacked by group of ninjas trying to get his hijutsu, he joins. He must become the Ruler of Nabari in order to survive.
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Yozakura Quartet
The story revolves around a quartet of teenaged heroes: A super-strong girl named Hime, a mind reader named Ao, a conjurer named Kotoha and an ordinary, powerless boy named Akina. The three girls and Akina protect the city of Sakurashin from supernatural threats.
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Moyashimon Returns
In the second season the story continues exactly where it left off previously. Professor Itsuki's Fermentation Cellar and laboratory is ready for operation and with Sawaki Tadayasu's unique gift to see and communicate with microbes to help, Itsuki's motley group of students begin to process different fermented products like soy sauce and sake.
TV Series
Rin Asogi may look like an ordinary office lady on the outside but she is actually a private investigator taking on any jobs, from finding a stray cat to infiltrating a high-security corporate lab. What’s more, she appears literally indestructible, supernaturally healing any injuries and mutilations. Together with her partner Mimi, Rin delves into the darkest secrets of the society but the ones she hides herself are by far more sinister…
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Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z
Professor Utonium and his son Ken have been assigned to study the mysterious Chemical X, which mutates and reacts when buns are dropped into it, becoming Chemical Z. When a strange glacier appears in Tokyo Bay, Ken uses a ray of Chemical Z to break it apart, causing several black rays of light to fall through the city. When the rays strike objects,… more Professor Utonium and his son Ken have been assigned to study the mysterious Chemical X, which mutates and reacts when buns are dropped into it, becoming Chemical Z.
When a strange glacier appears in Tokyo Bay, Ken uses a ray of Chemical Z to break it apart, causing several black rays of light to fall through the city. When the rays strike objects, animals, or people, they turn into monsters. However three white lights also break away and strike three ordinary girls, who gain the power to transform into Powerpuff Z.
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Inu x Boku SS
Shirakiin Ririchiyo is a daughter of a prestigious family who has grown up isolated and subject to bullying from the servants and jealous schoolmates. She reflexively hides behind a pretentious façade and a sharp tongue that she regrets. To keep from hurting others and give herself time to change, she has decided to live alone in the Maison de Ayakashi residential tower where each resident is offered the protection of a private SS (Secret Service) bodyguard.
However, neither the residents nor the SS agents are what they seem. Each, including Ririchiyo, is an Atavist, a descendant of both human and Youkai (Spiritually empowered beings native to Japan) who have inherited some of the Youkai's abilities and even memories. The residence acts as a secure haven for Atavists from pure-blood Youkai and other Atavist families.When Ririchiyo moves in, despite declining an SS agent, Miketsukami Soushi introduces himself to her as her assigned agent and a descendant of a nine-tailed fox. Even though she has never before met him, he seems to know everything about her, claims that she once saved his life, and declares that he will be her faithful dog from this day forward.
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Holy Knight
Mizumura Shinta is a plain undergraduate student. One day, he meets a transfer student from Romania, Kishimoto Lilith. She is a half human and half vampire. Through the life with Lilith, he knows the secret of his birth. He is the sole descendant of the Romuald clan, the vampire hunters.
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Yozakura Quartet Hana no Uta
In a town where humans and demons co-exist, it takes more than a normal police force to maintain the peace. Enter the Hiizumi Life Counseling Office, a fantastic foursome of unique teenagers, each gifted with an amazing super power!
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Mirage of Blaze OVA
Plot Summary:There is an urban legend in Japan about an underground subway line that moves without limitations. The rumor is only gorgeous men ride a train that is known as the Miracle Train. And if you were to happen upon this line, you would undoubtedly fall into a complete state of happiness. Being touched by a ray of light, granting her access to enter into the Oedo Line platform, where the Miracle Train runs.
As the doors open up, the space inside is very different, as six handsome men await you inside. According to the conductor the leadership of these six gentlemen and the female guide, when women have worries or insecurities, the Miracle Train will appear. With names matching the stations along the line, these fabulous gentlemen, whose bonds together are tight, despite their different personalities, will erase. all of your worries and fears
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Shinsekai yori
Plot Summary: About one thousand years into the future, civilization has been retrograded and humans are living dispersed within small communities. People in this era have a psychic power called “Juryoku” which materializes things they imagine. In the absence of advanced scientific technology, people are using this power as a major source of energy. One day, a girl called Saki, along with her friends, finds a small archive robot outside the town. It records the ancient history of humans.
It tells them that Juryoku was found in the 21st century and the discovery caused a world war between psychics and non-psychics. The psychics won this war and thus their reign of terror began. When the adults in town figure out that the children discovered this forbidden knowledge, they seal their Juryoku and exile them. Saki and the others end up in a forest where they meet a huge hairless bipedal mouse known as a “Bakenezumi” and get involved in a violent war the creatures are currently engaged in.
TV Series
Highschool of the Dead
Takashi Komuro is a normal highschool boy, until an infection breaks out that turns people into zombie-like creatures. Along with his friends & the school nurse, they fight their way out and continue their journey to find out what exactly has happened to the world.
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Occult Academy
The story revolves around Maya – The daughter of the Former head Master of a private Japanese academy dedicated to the study of the occult who died in 1999, and a time traveling agent Uchida a mysterious young man who travels back in time from 2012
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Mirai Nikki
Yukiteru always rejects offers to go out with friends, preferring to spend the time writing a diary on his cell phone. He has what he believes is an imaginary friend called Deus Ex Machina. However, one day Deus asks him to play a survival game along with eleven others. The winner becomes the next Deus Ex Machina. In order to win, the contestants must use their diaries of the future to eliminate one another. For Yukiteru to survive, he must team up with another diary holder, a girl named Yuno.
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Ef a Tale of Melodies
The anime once again tells two stories.The first story takes place in the past. Himura Yuu meets a girl, Amamiya Yuuko who seems to know him, but he doesn't know her. However, he soon remembers that she was a girl whom he knew from long ago. Yuuko then tells him something which he never knew. He was her first love since then, and her first love has not ended yet.
The second story takes place in the present, just after the events of Ef - A Tale of Memories.. Kuze Shuuichi meets the cousin of Asou Renji, Hayama Mizuki and spends a lot of time with her. Unknown to Mizuki, Kuze had contracted a fatal illness and has little time left to live. Kuze had decided to break all romantic ties, but things go bad when Mizuki tells him that she loves him.
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Devil Hunter Yohko
Who knew coming of age could be so tough? 16 year-old Yohko Mano is your typical high-schooler dealing with a not-so-typical upbringing. Her grandmother has been training her in the martial arts and tests her skills on a regular basis. And all Yohko really cares about is a date with Hideki! Well, fickle fate intervenes and Yohko’s destiny as a dest… more Who knew coming of age could be so tough?
16 year-old Yohko Mano is your typical high-schooler dealing with a not-so-typical upbringing. Her grandmother has been training her in the martial arts and tests her skills on a regular basis. And all Yohko really cares about is a date with Hideki! Well, fickle fate intervenes and Yohko’s destiny as a destroyer of demons is revealed. This entertaining romp has plenty of fanservice and action to keep the boys drooling.
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Buddha Saitan Movie
17-year-old Sayako Amanokawa aspires to become a journalist, just like Kanemoto, an elite newspaper writer she looks up to. But Kanemoto, shamed from an erroneous report about a corruption scandal, jumps in front of a train and commits suicide. Since that incident, Sayako suddenly becomes able to see spirits and almost loses her life. However, from that near-fatal incident she experiences something extraordinary. The journalist inside her stirred, she embarks to find out about the truth. But the forces that stand in her way turn out to be much more formidable than she ever imagined.
Hellsing follows the antiheroic vampire, Alucard, and a police girl-turned-vampire, Seras Victoria, two vampires employed by the vampire-extermination group of England, the Hellsing Organization. Slowly but surely, through their active duty, they find a new breed of vampires beginning to arise.
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Monochrome Factor
Plot Summary:The story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him to meet him at the school that night. Though he is skeptical, he goes anyway, and subsequently gets attacked by a shadow monster.
Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted, and that Akira must become a “shin”, which is a creature of the shadow world, in order to help restore the balance.
TV Series
Kore wa Zombie Desuka? Of the Dead
The passive high school boy Aikawa Ayumu gets killed during a spate of mysterious serial killings. However, he is resurrected as a zombie by the necromancer girl Eu, whom he had befriended just before dying. When Ayumu reawakens he is tossed into a world with masou shoujo (magically equipped girls) and vampire ninjas. And of all things, he is assigned the duties of such a masou shoujo by the magical warrior girlHaruna.
Ayumu is still a zombie, chosen (much to his dismay) by Gaia to learn of the dark secrets in the world — that should never see the light of day. And so life, as it is, with short-tempered vampire ninja Seraphim, chainsaw-wielding prodigy masou shoujo Haruna, and mute necromancer Eu continues under one roof.Late after school, to avoid getting sunburned, Ayumu encounters the alcohol-prone fairy Chris. This overly cute adult in a childs body is up to something... life at school could be so peaceful, if it were not for the enemies of the masou shoujo.
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Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? OVA
Izayoi Sakamaki, Asuka Kudou, and You Kasugabe have tremendous psychic powers and are bored with the regular world. An envelope arrives for each person, and when each opens their envelope, they are stunned to see the scenery around them change to a world they had never encountered before.
They’ve been summoned by the Black Rabbit to help the community “No Name” to overthrow the Devil King.
Hell Teacher Nube
Nube is a clumsy, easygoing, and very kind teacher, but he has a secret under his glove on the left hand. He has a monster hand, and he also has the ability to sense ghosts and evil spirits. So he protects his dear students from these evil spirits with his monster hand, proving to be very powerful.
TV Series
Hikaru No Go Special
Hikaru Shindo is just a normal 12 year old boy, but one day he’s rumaging through his Grandfather’s things to see if he can find something to sell and pulls out an old Go board. A ghostly apparation appears out of the board and tells Hikaru his sad story. His name is Sai Fujiwara, a man who was a Go instructor to the emperor of Japan a thousand years ago. However, because of bad sportsmanship of his opponent during a game, Sai was accused of cheating and banished from the city.
With no livelihood or any other reason to live, Sai commited suicide by drowning himself. Now, he haunts a Go board, and wants to accomplish the perfect Go game, called the “Hand of God” which he hopes to do through Hikaru. If Hikaru will be able to do it or not (or even wants to) will have to be seen.
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Sasami-san at Ganbaranai
The story follows a hikikomori named Sasami who is unmotivated about even changing clothes or eating. Her brother takes care of her, even though she despises his slave-like nature. Sasami spends her days viewing the outside world via a “Brother Surveillance Tool” on her computer. In the outside world, the three beautiful Yagami sisters and Sasami’s brother are in the middle of relationships worthy of a romantic co
TV Series
Psychic Academy
In 21st century, a new standard which allow to categorize a person as a gifted one is established. This can be done by measuring his/her special power called aura. Saikikku academy is a government owned special education for gifted children. The entrance into the school regulation is carried out by judging the aura characteristic of a person. Although the background story of the anime looks serious, it's actually a high-school-love-comedy genre.
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The Twelve Kingdoms
Yoko Nakajima, an unhappy high school student, is one day suddenly faced with a strange man who swears allegiance to her. After a battle with demon-like beasts, he then takes her to another world along with two of her classmates.
There, her appearance has changed and she can understand the language even though her classmates cannot. But their status as “Kaikyaku” (people who come from Earth) makes them hunted fugitives, so they wander the land of the 12 countries, simply trying to survive and to figure out the reason why they were brought to this world. Genre: Adventure, drama, fantasy, psychological
TV Series
Black Blood Brothers
Ten years after the Holy War in Hong Kong, Mochizuki Jirou, aka the Silver Blade, and the lone hero who fought and defeated the Kowloon Children despite the loss of his lover, returns to Japan with his young brother, Mochizuki Kotaro. The two quickly discover that the Kowloon Children who survived the Holy War are seeking to infiltrate the “Special…
more Ten years after the Holy War in Hong Kong, Mochizuki Jirou, aka the Silver Blade, and the lone hero who fought and defeated the Kowloon Children despite the loss of his lover, returns to Japan with his young brother, Mochizuki Kotaro. The two quickly discover that the Kowloon Children who survived the Holy War are seeking to infiltrate the “Special Zone”—a thriving city protected by an invisible barrier that will not allow Kowloon Children entrance—unless they’re invited. Red Bloods refer to the humans; Black Bloods are the vampires, and the Mochizuki Brothers are Old Blood—the last descendants of an elite clan of vampires. When Kotaro is abducted by one of the Kowloon Children, Jirou has no choice but to fight once more.
TV Series
Koyomi Araragi is almost hman again after briefly bcoming a vampire. When Hitagi falls down the stairs into his arms, he discovers he wieghs almost nothing, and offers her help from a middle-aged man. Koyomi encounters different apperitions in a series of interconnected stories.
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